The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 333 of 728

Avatar Rsabhadeva says: “The perpetrator of selfless acts must endlessly be reborn and die in this world, and until he has developed his affection for Vasudeva (Krishna), he will be unable to shake off the yoke laws of material nature”.

Thus, the man who conscientiously fulfills the duties which fall to him according to the social class to which he belongs, but who fails to develop his love for the Supreme Lord, Vasudeva, that one only spoils his human life.

Krishna also confirms this point when He teaches: “Man of the first order is the one who finds refuge in Me, in total abandonment, and who, renouncing all form of material occupation, lives according to My teaching”.

These words of the Lord let us understand that men loving philanthropy, charitable works of a social nature, ethics, morality, politics, altruism .... are only praiseworthy on a material scale . Many Vedic scriptures, including the Srimad-Bhagavatam, teach us that a being conscious of Krishna, and practicing devotional service, far exceeds all of these”benefactors of humanity.” The man who abandons the duties proper to his social class to abandon himself fully to the Lord and take refuge at his lotus feet (formula of respect due to God), is no longer the debtor of anyone; he is freed from all duty to the wise men, the ancestors, the members of his family and of society. Nor does he have to worry about performing the five kinds of sacrifices, which allow one to escape the taint of guilty acts. The mere practice of the devotional service releases him from any obligation.

From birth, man becomes indebted to a multitude of beings. For example, he owes a debt to the great sages for the benefits he derives from reading their proven works on spirituality. Likewise, we owe a debt to our ancestors, because by being born into a family, we inherit its tradition and heritage; therefore we must offer them, after their departure from this world, a form of consecrated food. We are still indebted to all those who in one way or another do us a service, whether it be our relatives, friends, or even animals like the cow and the dog. And it is our duty to discharge all of these debts, to heavenly beings, wise men, ancestors, animals and society as a whole, by serving each one as it should be. Now, the mere fact of engaging in the service of devotion and surrendering oneself to God, the Supreme Person, abandoning any other form of occupation, erases all debt, and releases from any obligation towards any other source of benefits than the Lord Himself.

Lord Krishna teaches: “Leave all other forms of occupation there, and surrender yourself to Me. All the consequences of your faults, I will free you from them. Have no fear.”





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