The Pure Spiritual Science
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preparing a future darker. Of all the slaughter of animals, the cow is the most despicable because the cow, giving her milk, gives us many satisfactions; kill, is to commit an act within the deepest ignorance.

How to approach God

"The Lord is dear to His devotees, and only devotional service allows the reach. Were he to Lowest strain, the devotee is automatically washed from all filthiness. Devotional service is the single pathway to God, the Supreme Being.

Lord Caitanya then described the different facets of Krishna as follows, begging Sanatana Goswami L'listen with an attentive ear. Although Krishna is the Supreme Absolute Truth, the Cause of all causes and origin of all emanations and avatars. His form only remains eternal, all blissful and absolute knowledge. It is both the shelter and the owner or master of all that exists.

In this context, the Lord Chaitanya quotes the Brahma-samhita (5: 1) Krishna is the Supreme God whose body is immersed in knowledge, eternity and bliss. original person of the name Govinda, He embodies the First Cause of all causes. Thus Krishna is He God, the Person Originelle, and He has six excellences in their fullness. His home, Goloka V?ndavana, belongs also to the highest planetary system of the spiritual world.

The Lord Chaitanya quote again here the Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.11), where it is written that those who know the Absolute Truth describe three aspects: the impersonal Brahman, the Supreme Soul and omnipresent Krishna, God, the Person Supreme. In other words, the Brahman - the impersonal feature - the Paramatma - the localized appearance - and the same Person of God - are one and the same entity, however we perceive as Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavane in the way we adopt.

The impersonal Brahman awareness is the perception of the only radiance of the spiritual body of Krishna, radiance is compared to that of the sun. Similarly there exist the solar star, the solar deity and light radiating from it, the spiritual effulgence (brahmajyoti) - the impersonal Brahman - is only the personal effulgence of Krishna. The Lord Chaitanya based his remarks on an important verse from Brahma-Samhita, where Brahma said: "I love Govinda, God, the Supreme Being, whose personal radiance is infinitely brahmajyoti (the impersonal manifestation of body radiance Krishna) which float countless universes, each populated planets without number. "





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