The Pure Spiritual Science
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The Lord is present in the form of Vishnu Garbhodakashayi in each universe, which is the support. Despite this universal presence, the influence of the material energy can not touch Him. In time, the same Vishnu takes the form of Siva and annihilates the cosmic creation. These three secondary incarnations - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva - are the tutelary deities of the three attributes of nature. The second avatar of Vishnu, Garbhodakashayi - is worshiped as the Supreme Soul, or Hiranyagarbha, and that the Vedic hymns describe as having thousands of heads - Stands as the Master of the universe, and despite its presence within the material nature, he did not undergo the influence.

The third avatar of Vishnu, named Kshirodakashayi also embodies Virtue. Supreme Soul of all living beings, He resides on the milky ocean of the universe. Such is the description given of the purusha-avatars by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

He then described the lila-avatars, which engage in various entertainment and stresses that their number is infinite. The Lord nevertheless depicts a few: Matsya, kourma, Raghounath, Nrishingha, Varaha and Vamana.

The Lord depicts the yuga-avatar informing that there are four ages or millennia, called Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali. In each of these ages, the Lord incarnates in a different color. In the Satya-yuga, the main avatar is of white complexion; in the Treta yuga-His form is red; in the Dvapara-yuga, the main incarnation - Krishna - is blue black, and in the Kali-yuga, the main avatar adopts a yellow complexion.

In the next age, Kali-yuga - the one we live in today - the Lord incarnates to teach singing the Holy Name of Krishna. Donning a yellow carnation then, he personally shows people how to love God through song and the name of Krishna Himself manifest His love for God by singing and dancing, surrounded by thousands of people who follow. The advent of this avatar of the Supreme Lord is specifically predicted in the pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.05.32), where one can read that in this age of Kali the Lord incarnates as a devotee who sings without constantly Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

Krishna is also specifies that there is not of so dark a complexion as in the Dvapara-yuga. He preached constantly the love of God through the movement of sankirtane, and intelligence beings immediately adopt this path of spiritual realization. The Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.03.52) adds that spiritual realization acquired by meditation in the age of Satya, by the completion of sacrifices in the age of Treta and in worship of Lord Krishna in the Dvapara-yuga can being the only chant the holy name "Hare Krishna" in the age of Kali. This confirms that the Vishnu Purana: "In this age are vain




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