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Kali's age suffers from so many anomalies that there seems to be no cure. However, there is a solution. Indeed, by humming the song of the Holy Names of Krishna, “Hare Krishna, hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, hare hare / hare Rama, hare Rama, Rama Rama, hare hare, we will be cured of the infection caused by this age of kali.

The great sage Sukadeva Gosvami says: “My dear king, although this age of kali is an ocean of faults, it nevertheless has a great quality; Simply by humming the song of the Holy Names of Krishna, ‘Haré Krishna’, one can break free from material bonding and be promoted to the spiritual realm.”

Now, human life is particularly intended for spiritual realization. Man must be able to discover during his existence his own nature as that of the world around him and of Absolute Truth. Human birth offers the means to put an end to all the setbacks and sufferings born in the material universe of the struggle for life, and to return to God, his eternal home.

But because they receive unhealthy education, men no longer have any interest in spiritual achievement. Even if they come in its vicinity, then they most often fall victim to misguided masters, false spiritual guides.

In the present age still, men are confronted with a number of divergent political creeds, and also with an infinity of entertainments inciting to the sensual pleasure, like the cinema, the sports, the games, the nightclubs, the shops materialistic books, bad company, smoking, drinking alcohol, cheating, pilfering, quarreling… All of which they become victims of and which make their minds constantly troubled and filled with anguish.

Always in this age, unscrupulous beings concoct their own religion, their own way of salvation, without taking into account the holy scriptures revealed. It is not uncommon for men, attached to the pleasure of their senses, to allow themselves to be attracted by their propaganda. As a result, many ungodly deeds are performed in the name of religion, which prevent men from finding peace of mind, such as health of body.

The wise scholar and spiritual guide no longer exists, student life is utterly degraded, the heads of families no longer follow the norms relating to social class, as well as spiritual principles. The so-called renouncers, the hermits, the wandering monks, who sometimes become these heads of families, are easily deviated from the right path.

The age of Kali is also characterized by the absence of faith that reigns there. Men are no longer interested in spiritual values, the whole of civilization is based on the satisfaction of the senses. And to maintain this materialist civilization, nations have created very complex systems, the causes of constant struggles, in which are linked hot and cold “wars”. Human values have deteriorated so much that it has become extremely difficult to revive the spiritual consciousness of men.




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