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The poor will not have the right to justice, and any talker will be declared a great philosopher

No agent, no justice, it is the law, this is the age of kali. Now you only have to buy the judges and judgment is in your favor. But if you don't have the money, then don't go to court. As for fine talkers, no matter what they say, they are considered great scholars, even if no one understands a word of what they say. If you speak in incomprehensible jargon, people will exclaim, “what genius”. And it is today. So many impostors take up the pen, and we see their supporters justify a total incomprehension of alleged masterpieces by “that is inexplicable”, “that is superior”, “that is insane”.

It will be a dishonor not to live in opulence, while an individual puffed up with pride will hypocritically pass for a pious being. Marriage will be based on an arbitrary and superficial arrangement, and it will suffice to take a bath to believe yourself perfectly clean and attractive.

The mere fact of going to the edge of some distant river will constitute a holy pilgrimage. The man will be very handsome with long hair.

See the accuracy of Sukadeva Gosvami's predictions. Who would have suspected that men would start to wear long hair?

And yet the great sage Sukadeva Gosvami prophesies that some men will keep their hair long.

To be recognized, a place of pilgrimage must be far from the place where we live. The Ganges for example crosses Calcutta, but no one will take a bath in this part of the river. They will prefer to go to Hardwar, although it is the same Ganges that flows from this remote place, into the Bay of Bengal. People will prefer to go through all kinds of tribulations to go swimming in Hardwar because it is a place of pilgrimage. Thus, each religion has its place of pilgrimage. Muslims go to Mecca and Medina, Christians go to Jerusalem, and likewise Hindus believe that they must travel very far to find the place of pilgrimage.

In reality, the holy land is a place where one can meet holy beings, wise scholars. So this is the true definition of a place of pilgrimage. It is not a question of traveling ten thousand kilometers to take a plunge and then return home.

Other symptoms of this decadent age: Man will only live for his stomach, and the necessary statements by their daring character will be accepted as absolute truth. The man who can properly assume the charge of a family will be considered an exceptional being, and his piety will be measured by the good reputation he has earned in the world.




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