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But nowadays with money you can get anything. Anyone, no matter how unsavory, will enjoy the respect of others if they have money, no matter how they earned it. When it comes to culture or education, these criteria are no longer taken into account in the age of kali, the black age, the current age.

Other symptoms of this age, religious principles and justice will have to submit to temporal power.

It is enough for a man to have a certain influence for him to be granted all the privileges. We can be the last of the ungodly and be proclaimed a saint by buying priests. It is therefore money that makes a man's worth, not his real qualities.

Marriage will only be based on a fleeting affection, and in order to be successful in business it will be necessary to deceive others

Marital relations today are based on mutual attraction and it only takes a boy and a girl like to decide to get married straight away. No one cares about the future of young people. Such a union frequently leads to dissatisfaction and even divorce six months later. All this because marriage is based only on superficial attraction, not on deep understanding.

In India, parents consulted the stars before uniting their children. Astrological calculations on the past, present and future of the latter allowed them to ensure the perfect harmony of the future spouses so that they live peacefully and help each other to perfect their spiritual life, which was finally worth returning with God, in their original home. This is how marriage is conceived.

But today, if a middle-aged boy and girl like each other, they get married… but one or the other will be gone some time later. Such unions have no value, but it is said that in this Kali age, marriage is all about mutual attraction. One day we love each other and the next day we don't want to see each other anymore. Sad truth. Such a marriage therefore has no value.

Then comes another characteristic of this age: The man and the woman will remain united as long as the sexual attraction lasts, and the pure and intelligent men, the wise ones, do not will distinguish only by their sacred thread.

but at the slightest sexual disagreement, the feelings of the spouses will lose their force. The pure and intelligent men, the wise spiritual guides, are indeed offered a sacred thread which qualifies them as “twice born”, but today anyone thinks they have become a wise scholar by simply wearing the sacred thread, no matter if one behaves like an outcast. No one realizes that a wise scholar has enormous responsibilities. We imagine that to become a wise scholar it is enough to buy a sacred thread for ten centimes. As for marital relations, they will be based on a mutual physical attraction,




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